Friday, June 20, 2014

[REVIEW/DEMO] CoverGirl Tropical Fusion E/S Quad

Hey Beauties! If you aren't subscribed to our channel (FourUsToCelebrate), WHY NOT?! jk, but you probably didn't see my review and demo of the the actual palette. Don't worry because I'm also doing a full review here! :] Let's jump in to the review!

(Click the picture to see the demo)

Color Palette: What I mean by color palette, I'm really talking about how the colors look/work together. I really like the thought process behind the color selection for this palette; I mean when I think about the tropics I immediately think of these colors. In the pan you have a royal blue, teal/jade, peachy orange, and a muted lime green. The two middle colors have small specs of gold in it while the outer colors are matte.

Pigmentation: This is where my main gripe is with this palette. The middle two colors are beautiful and there's a decent amount of pigmentation to them. The royal blue isn't as saturated/pigmented as you would expect, but it still works decent. The muted lime  green is ridiculous; it swatches chalky and once I blend it in you can't even see where I placed it, which is extremely unfortunate because it would be a really nice inner corner color (especially if it had some shimmer/pearlescent look to it). In order to get the most out of this palette you'd definitely would want some kind of colored base to it. You can't go in with a regular primer or skin-tone base, it needs to be an actual color like an eyeliner, jumbo e/s pencil, paint pot, etc.

Longevity: With a colored base it has a decent wear time (if you use the teal all over the lid you'll notice some fading after 3-4 hours). If you wear it by itself, you're definitely not going to get a lot of wear time from it because it's applies patchy and not pigmented at all (if you have no color in the first place, it'll be extremely difficult for anything to fade.

Price: Fortunately for me, I was able to snag this on clearance from Target, but I believe that CoverGirl's quads go for about $5-$6 (please correct me if I'm wrong). I definitely don't think that this is worth paying that much. If I was asked how much I thought this palette sold for based off of the pigmentation/quality, I would say that it would be around $1-$2.

If you're a beginner that wants to experiment with some color, but you're too intimidated to jump into the extremely saturated colors from brands like Urban Decay or LimeCrime, then you may be interested in this palette. The two middle colors are so beautiful and I think if you have a skin tone that is lighter than mine or even darker, it may work a lot better for you than it did for me. Don't get me wrong, I still think that this is an okay palette, but it's nothing that I would go completely crazy over. I do see myself using this palette whenever I want to use some color but I don't want it to be too crazy. This is a great subtle color type of palette.

Have you tried out this palette? What do you think of it? What are your favorite CoverGirl palettes? Don't forget to let me know what products you want to see me review! You can tweet them to me (@ciaociaoreview) or leave them in the comments down below!

Until my next post,

Stay Beautiful <3

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