Sunday, May 25, 2014

[REVIEW] e.l.f. - Jumbo Lip Gloss Stick - Pink Umbrellas

Hi Beauties! It's been a while since I posted a new review, but I have an affordable product for you that would be great for those who are looking for a hint of color on the lips, but not sticky like a lipgloss or something that stains the lips. 

Let's get into the review shall we? :]


Packaging: Like most of the lip products these days that aren't lip glosses or lipsticks, it's in a jumbo pencil form which is great for just throwing in your bag and it doesn't take up much room. Surprisingly the cap seals extremely well, but the actual container feels extremely light and cheap. 

Price: This comes from the regular e.l.f. line, so it's extremely inexpensive, I purchased mine at Target for $2.03 (I can't believe they upped the price by 2 cents! just kidding lol it's really no big deal). If you know some girls that are pretty young, but wants to start wearing makeup, this will be a great alternative for them since it's inexpensive and there is some color payoff.

Longevity: If you don't eat or drink anything the product stays on for quite a while, but the "glossy" look doesn't last for long. The feeling of it on your lips though, will last until you eat or drink something. 

Product: The product itself is quite nice. Once it settles in, it feels like an ordinary lip balm. It doesn't feel extremely heavy on the lips like lipsticks or lip glosses can feel. It does have like a pepperminty smell to it and you can lightly taste it whenever you open your mouth, but it does go away after a little while. It can be quite refreshing, especially if you're out and about and your lips are feeling a little chap. One thing that you should be aware of is that it can accentuate your dry lips, but after it's settled in, you can't really tell. It may be more noticeable with some of the darker colors. 

Color: There's a total of 8 colors in the line and my local Target carries three colors: Pink Umbrellas, Sangria Starters, and I'm not sure what the last color is because they were sold out. I say it's a pretty decent color range especially since it's not really all about the pigmentation. The colors they have a available are the basics that I think everybody could invest in. With this particular color, it's not extremely opaque (which I like). When I think of a lip gloss I think of something that adds just a touch of color, but has a lot of shine to it. For me, it has just the right amount of color, it's adds just a hint of color but nothing too overbearing or opaque like a regular lip pencil. 

I like this line. I don't absolutely love it, but I definitely don't hate it. I would like to try out the other colors first before I give my final rating of the line, but this first color is definitely a good start. It's great for everyday and it moisturizers my lips. Although it says it's a lip gloss stick, it's only glossy for about 15-20 minutes and then it settles in and looses it's glossy-ness. It's not sticky at all and my hair doesn't stick to my lips. 

It's inexpensive and I like the formulation of it. The smell reminds me of the peppermint lipgloss tubes from Bath & Body Works, so if you like that scent then you'll like the scent with this pencil. I have a 13 years old sister (she's going on 14), and I think this product is a great alternative for those who want to start in makeup, but don't want to make a giant leap into it and start wearing opaque lip colors. Honestly, don't look at these to be extremely opaque because that isn't the main purpose. It's supposed to give you just a tint of color which it does. Overall I'm extremely impressed with this product and I can't wait to try the other colors!

Have you tried this line from e.l.f.? What do you think about them and what colors have you tried? Let me know in the comments down below or tweet me @ciaociaoreview :] 

Until my next post! 

Stay Beautiful <3

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